Congratulations on your Tenth Anniversary Celebration                           2008/01/22


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Pastor Lin, all church leaders and to every member of the Dong-Hwa Baptist Church in Hualien on your celebration of the tenth year anniversary. We commend you on the way you have loved God. You have been faithful to follow God's leadership in functioning as a church body by loving each other in Christ's love. You have demonstrated your love for your neighbors by sharing the Gospel of God's love with them as you ministered to their needs. You have welcomed those whom God has added to His church. 值此東華慶祝建立十周年之際,我們向林牧師,教會同工與所有會有獻上誠心的恭賀。我們因為你們愛上帝的緣故誇讚你們,你們忠心的跟隨教會長執帶領,成為一個教會身體,在基督的愛裡相親相愛。在社區的服務上,你們也藉著福音展現出對鄰舍的愛,你們也歡迎接納了上帝加給祂自己教會的新人。

I remember well those first months as the church began to come to life. Some of the things that stand out in my mind include the three churches - Mei Lwen Baptist Church, Bwo Ai Baptist Church and Immanuel Baptist Church - working together to provide leadership, support and encouragement to birth the church and care for her growth. Three churches working together to start a new church is not commonly practiced. However, I feel that God blessed us all in that endeavor.


I fondly remember the three church leaders - Brother Chen, Preacher Lee, and Pastor Lin - who were used by God according to their own personal experience, training and skills to lead the church through her respective stages of growth. I learned from each one of these servants of God and praise God for our relationship and service together in the ministry there.


I remember each new brother and sister who came to the first two locations at which we met for classes, Bible study, prayer and worship. I remember the first baptismal service in which three new believers were baptized. I remember the training sessions we had that helped to equip new church leaders enabling them to serve our Lord and advance His church. I remember the outreach to the Dong-Hwa National University students seeking to share the Gospel with them and lead them to faith in Christ. I remember the English classes. Many seeds were sown and we continue to trust that many will be harvested for the Kingdom of God in the future. We personally know of some who have trusted in Christ for salvation.


We now rejoice in the reports we have received about bigger meeting places to provide for the new members and the small groups that reach out to family and friends so they can be loved into the family of God. We rejoice in the vision you have of even bigger and better things in the future. God is pleased as you by faith attempt great things for Him and expect great things from God.


We pray for God's very best blessings for you in the months and years to come. Thanks for letting us share your joy at this very happy time in the life of Dong-Hwa Baptist Church.


With abiding affection,

Chuck and Betty Gardner
